
wln Indonesia Manado

wln Indonesia Manado

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Tabel of Contents

Update support Orphanage Manado

Update support Orphanage Manado

Development of knowledge in Indonesia

Development of knowledge in Indonesia


Development of knowledge in Indonesia

Development of knowledge in Indonesia

Due to a lack of access to safe affordable drinking water facilities and poor sewerage, each year 100,000 babies die of diarrhea in Indonesia.

In cooperation with the local water supply companies, WMD (Water supply company Drenthe) helps to restore the water supply in several areas. For that purpose WMD enters into alliances and partnerships with local water supply companies, takes over the management of those companies, builds infrastructure, gives technical support and educates staff for a certain period.  The main goal is to increase the knowledge and consciousness of water quality.

To monitor and guarantee the drinking water quality, a laboratory is necessary. WLN was assigned to manage this project. The water laboratory Nusantara was founded in Manado. WLN also offers support and training to the Indonesian staff in the field of water quality. Furthermore we make a substantial contribution to the realisation of a Master of Science degree in Water quality in Manado; sponsored by WMD, WLN, subsidiary companies of WMD in Indonesia, UNESCO-IHE and the university Sam Ratulangi and financed by a subsidy of the Economic Information Service of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.